ON THE PROPOSED FINANCING BY Town of Niagara Active Hose Company

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the Town of Niagara Active Hose Company, Inc., located in Town of Niagara, NY,, will allow for public comment through May 20, 2024, at 5pm., via email at [email protected]  for the purpose of satisfying the public hearing requirements of Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, on a proposal the Issuer enter into an agreement to finance certain equipment.  The equipment to be financed consists of 2-2024 Chevy Tahoe SSV's and will be maintained by the fire department located in the Town of Niagara/Niagara Falls NY, To finance the costs of such equipment and to pay costs and expenses incidental to the financing, the Issuer proposes to enter into a loan agreement with a maximum aggregate principal amount not to exceed 98,000.00 The Issuer will be required to pay all taxes on the equipment if applicable. The rental payments due pursuant to the loan agreement will be secured by a security interest in the equipment. All persons interested may be heard throughout the public comment range stated above or may file written comments with the Town of Niagara Active Hose Company Inc., prior to the date of hearing set forth heretofore.

Date Published/Posted: May 8, 2024                                         


The Town of Niagara Active Hose Fire Company is actively looking for driven, dedicated men and women who possess the mental and physical attributes necessary and are committed to selflessly and pridefully serving their community.     

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Banquet Facility Rental

Niagara Active Hose Company has a full banquet facility that can hold upward of 240 guests. Facility rental includes use of the kitchen.

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The Town of Niagara Active Hose Company trains on a weekly basis.  Each Monday night at 7pm our firefighters conduct drills or classes at our facility or one of the county training sites to sharpen our preparedness for any emergency.

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We provide Fire Suppression, Emergency Medical services, and Rescue services to the Town of Niagara. EMS, or Emergency Medical Services, is an integral part of firefighting.

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